Learfield Sports has been in the collegiate sports multimedia rights and marketing industry for more than 30 years. The company manages the multimedia rights for properties, including many collegiate athletic programs.

Investment Team

Michael Dominguez

Scott Marimow

Lucy Dobrin
*This statement was provided by Greg Brown as the Former President and CEO of Learfield Sports, which was a portfolio company of certain investment vehicles advised by Providence. Mr. Brown was not compensated for providing this statement. Providence may have certain discretion or influence over the compensation or other benefits of portfolio company executives, and such compensation or benefits could incentivize such executives to provide favorable evaluations of their experiences working with Providence. Additionally, Mr. Brown is an operating partner of Providence and receives compensation with respect to that role, which could incentivize Mr. Brown to provide favorable evaluations of his experiences working with Providence. Mr. Brown is an indirect investor in strategies sponsored by Providence. Operating Partners and Senior Advisors included on this page are not employees or affiliates of Providence. Please see Providence’s Form ADV Part 2A filed with the SEC for additional details.